Monday 25 June, 2007

Brief History of Insurance in India

The insurance sector in India has come a full circle from being an open competitive market to nationalisation and back to a liberalised market again. Tracing the developments in the Indian insurance sector reveals the 360 degree turn witnessed over a period of almost two centuries.

A brief history of the Insurance sector
The business of life insurance in India in its existing form started in India in the year 1818 with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta.

Some of the important milestones in the life insurance business in India are:
1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to regulate the life insurance business.
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to collect statistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses.
1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with the objective of protecting the interests of the insuring public.
1956: 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies taken over by the central government and nationalised. LIC formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 crore from the Government of India.

The General insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its roots to the
Triton Insurance Company Ltd., the first general insurance company established in the
year 1850 in Calcutta by the British.

Some of the important milestones in the general insurance business in India are:
1907: The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd. set up, the first company to transact all classes of general insurance business.
1957: General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of India, frames a code of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound business practices.
1968: The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set minimum solvency margins and the Tariff Advisory Committee set up.
1972: The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 nationalised the general insurance business in India with effect from 1st January 1973. 107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies viz. the National Insurance Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. GIC incorporated as a company.

Insurance sector reforms
In 1993, Malhotra Committee, headed by former Finance Secretary and RBI Governor R.N. Malhotra, was formed to evaluate the Indian insurance industry and recommend its future direction.
The Malhotra committee was set up with the objective of complementing the reforms initiated in the financial sector.
The reforms were aimed at “creating a more efficient and competitive financial system suitable for the requirements of the economy keeping in mind the structural changes currently underway and recognising that insurance is an important part of the overall financial system where it was necessary to address the need for similar reforms…”

In 1994, the committee submitted the report and some of the key recommendations
i) Structure
· Government stake in the insurance Companies to be brought down to 50%
· Government should take over the holdings of GIC and its subsidiaries so that these subsidiaries can act as independent corporations
· All the insurance companies should be given greater freedom to operate
ii) Competition
· Private Companies with a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1bn should be allowed to enter the industry
· No Company should deal in both Life and General Insurance through a single entity
· Foreign companies may be allowed to enter the industry in collaboration with the domestic companies
· Postal Life Insurance should be allowed to operate in the rural market
· Only one State Level Life Insurance Company should be allowed to operate in each state
iii) Regulatory Body
· The Insurance Act should be changed
· An Insurance Regulatory body should be set up
· Controller of Insurance (Currently a part from the Finance Ministry) should be made independent
iv) Investments
· Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government securities to be reduced from 75% to 50%
· GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in any company (There current holdings to be brought down to this level over a period of time)
v) Customer Service
· LIC should pay interest on delays in payments beyond 30 days
· Insurance companies must be encouraged to set up unit linked pension plans
· Computerisation of operations and updating of technology to be carried out in the insurance industry

The committee emphasised that in order to improve the customer services and increase the coverage of the insurance industry should be opened up to competition. But at the same time, the committee felt the need to exercise caution as any failure on the part of new players could ruin the public confidence in the industry.
Hence, it was decided to allow competition in a limited way by stipulating the minimum
capital requirement of Rs.100 crores. The committee felt the need to provide greater
autonomy to insurance companies in order to improve their performance and enable them
to act as independent companies with economic motives. For this purpose, it had proposed setting up an independent regulatory body.

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in
Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body in April 2000 has fastidiously stuck to its schedule of framing regulations and registering the private sector insurance companies.
The other decisions taken simultaneously to provide the supporting systems to the insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies was the launch of the IRDA’s online service for issue and renewal of licenses to agents.
The approval of institutions for imparting training to agents has also ensured that the insurance companies would have a trained workforce of insurance agents in place to sell their products, which are expected to be introduced by early next year.
Since being set up as an independent statutory body the IRDA has put in a framework of globally compatible regulations. In the private sector 12 life insurance and 6 general insurance companies have been registered.

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